Thron Building Front



August 2022
The AML is looking for masters students to work on the following projects:

Project 1:

The AML partnered with an industrial partner to identify various defects on automotive parts using Artificial Intelligence. The project consists of two components, which include a hardware and software portion. Students will use either mechanical design principles or computer programming concepts in this project. Mechanical and Engineering Systems and Computing students will be preferred.

Project 2:

The Project in collaboration with an industrial partner aims to determine the effectiveness of powder bed technology in 3D printed metal parts. The lab will conduct experiential testing to determine if 3D printed metals can be compared to stock metals for use in the manufacturing industry. Students will learn more about additive manufacturing and testing using an extensometer and a scanning electron microscope in this project. Students have to be comfortable working in a machine shop; therefore, Mechanical Engineering students will be preferred.

Project 3:

The objective of this industrial project is to determine the characteristics of biodegradable plastic through different experimental testing. The AML designs and assembles set-ups that can be used to conduct experimental investigations. Students will learn about injection moulding and various material testing. Students in Mechanical Engineering and who have successfully completed ENGG*2120 will be preferred.

Please contact Dr. Ibrahim Deiab at if you are interested in joining the AML team!